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about the site

when i found out neocities existed, i was so amazed and immediately wanted to make my own site. the problem? i had literally nothing to post. but one day, i decided to use neocities for my reading logs (which is still up, you can find it in the navigation menu). i called it "nana journal" since that was the only purpose i had for it at the time.

the first page i made, besides the index one, was for my reactions while reading requiem of the rose king. i used a super simple free template by owl that i found online. i know a thing or two about coding, but back then, i hadn't practiced in years, so i wanted something easy to customize (especially since i didn't know shit about neocities yet, i was still figuring things out).

anyway, i successfully made that one manga page... and then never touched the site again. i completely forgot it existed, mostly because i just stopped reading altogether.

but recently, i got obsessed with pokémon and thought, why not update the site and try something more complex? maybe add stuff i like about pokémon, etc... and well, here we are. i changed the name to hitokage, which is charmander's japanese name. btw, i was shocked that this url was still available.

not gonna lie, it took me days to make all the pages and write the code, but considering i hadn't coded in years, i'm really proud of how it turned out.

the design and content here were mainly inspired by seafare and shinyexe , so go check out their sites too! feel free to take inspo from mine if you like it. and if you're curious about how i did something and wanna try it yourself, drop me a message on my guestbook :)